Bonnie Are The Hurdies, O! Chorus: Chorus
A warldly race that riches chase, Chorus
Last summer we had lassies here Chorus
There was Kate and Mary, blithe and airy, Chorus
They danced at night in dresses light, Chorus
The dollar was their only love, Chorus
They left the creek wi' lots o' gold, Notes: Bonnie Are The Hurdies 0! W., SAWNEY, pp. 15-6; previously appeared in Cariboo Sentinel of July 23, 1866. A reworking of "Green Grow the Rashes, 0", itself a reworking by Burns (1784) of an earlier "Rustic song", first printed 1549. M. after James C. Dick, The Songs of Robert Burns (repr. Hatboro, 1962), p. 102. From Songs of the Pacific Northwest. Ed. Philip J Thomas. Music Transcription and Notation by Shirley A. Cox. Saanichton, B.C.: Hancock House Pub (1979.) p.44-46