The Cariboo Gold Rush web site was produced under contract by Industrial Art Internet Group LTD.
Carollyne YardleyProject Manager Phase I and Phase II, Contractor, Assistant Manager Phase III, Content Provider,Graphic Design, Training, Scanning, Research, HTML programming and debugging, RBCM Docent Carollyne is a Director of Industrial Art Internet Group Ltd. She has a B.A. with a double major in Psychology and
History in Art from the University of Victoria.Carollyne is the Project Manager for Phase I and Phase II of "The Cariboo Gold Rush" web site, and travelled from Yale to Barkerville collecting photos and documents. Carollyne was the Editor for the Emily Carr Teacher's Guide and CD ROM project, and has also been involved in the creation and production of the following web sites:
Her e-mail address is cyardley@iaig.com Suzanne has been working on BC Heritage websites through the support of SchoolNet Digital Collections since 1996. She has worked on numerous web projects and has established a multi-media company called: Industrial Art Internet Group LTD. Industrial Art Internet Group was responsible for the print copy Emily Carr Teacher's Guide for grades K to 7, and the Emily Carr CD-ROM. Please visit some of the other web sites that Suzanne has helped create: Her e-mail address is: svanderven@iaig.com
Graham is also a Director of Industrial Art Internet Group Ltd. He has been working on SchoolNet websites for some years now. He was part of the original Emily Carr At Home and At Work team in 1996, and in 1998 had the privilege of being project manger of Phase III. The interactive games was his section in The Cariboo Gold Rush. His past SchoolNet projects include The Gold Rush Town of Yale
Point Ellice House Collection of Household Victoriana, Dr. Helmcken - Pioneer Doctor and Legislator, and Teaching, Learning and Farming at Craigflower Farm. Travelling is his absolute favourite pastime, . He is currently a student, working towards a BSc in Biology at the University of Victoria, focusing on genetics and physiology. Graham's e-mail address is gnott@iaig.com, or visit him at his own website.
Jen was responsible for scanning, editing and producing the Primary Source section of the Cariboo Gold Rush in Phase III. This was Jen's first Digital Collections project and she looks forward to more in the future. Jen is currently publishing a children's book for kids, and as a photographer, is a nationally recognized award-winning artist.
Jen's email address is steele_eye@hotmail.com
Julie translated and produced the French Introduction section of the Cariboo Gold Rush web site. She is fluent in English, French and German, Spanish, Portugese, Italian and Dutch. Julie recently passed the BC Bar, and looks forward to translating more Digital Collections projects in the future.
Rob is nearly done his B.A. in Anthropology and Canadian Studies at McGill University. This is his first SchoolNet Digital Collections project and he hopes to eventually work in the museum field, or in heritage preservation.
You can visit his personal web site.
Tina completed a B.A. in Geography from the University of Victoria. This was Tina's first SchoolNet Digital Collections project and looks forward to more in the future!
Sabina has contributed to several SchoolNet Digital Collections projects. Sabina created the Animated Caricatures found in the Cariboo Adventure Game section for "The Cariboo Gold Rush" web site.
Her Home page address is http://www.islandnet.com/~sabina
Please visit the other projects Sabina has been involved in: Tracey LangstaffTracey Langstaff graduated from the University of Victoria in April (1998) with a B.A. in History. Tracey's main area of study is European history but also has a background in Canadian as well. Tracey specializes in researching and writing Historic material. Tracey contributed her knowledge of BC History to help build the pages for "The Cariboo Gold Rush" . Tracey plans to eventually receive a PHD in History and become a University Professor. Tracey can be reached through e-mail at: traceyla@UVic.CA
Steven DaviesResearch, Writing, Graphic Design & HTML.
Steve recently completed his BSc in the Geography Co-op Program at the University of Victoria. His interest in recreation, photography and travel has allowed him to see many areas of the world including his home, Canada. Steve was responsible for the construction of the Mining Section of the Cariboo Gold Rush web site and looks forward to working on the web in the future.