Pollards Cornish Ranch and Roadhouse |
Roadhouses were generally built in areas where grass and water were plentiful and vegetables and crops could be grown.
Those who were unsuccessful in mining often stayed in the Cariboo in the roadhouse business to become the first pioneers in the new agriculture and business communities.
Many of the roadhouses were built by road contractors. Contractors were awarded a contract to construct many miles of road from Yale to Barkerville. Many of the houses gained there names from mile posts along the Wagon Road. The Roadhouses took their names from mileage measured from Lillooet. For example, after choosing a logical place for a roadhouse, they would name it 70 Mile House since it was 70 miles from Lillooet.
Since the services at the stopping places depended on those in charge, the quality of food, cleanliness of beds, and overall hospitality varied greatly.