Oh! I belong to the Fire Brigade
Far From Home
Far From HomeWhere mighty waters foam and boil Chorus: Far, far from home we Miners roam, Chorus
In cabins rude, our daily food Chorus Lonely our lives-no mothers', wives', Chorus At night we smoke, then crack a joke, Chorus With luck at last, our hardships past, Chorus And once on shore, we never more Notes:
Far From Home. W., "W.H.D.". Emory's Bar, Fraser River,
July, 1859, in Hutching's California Magazine September,
1859, p. 108. M, PJT. 1 have used stanzas 1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 11
and 12of the original 12,and have omitted the last chorus.
Original w. & m., see "Home Again" in Reddall and Buck,
Songs That Never Die (U.S.A. n.p., 1894), p. 165.
From Songs of the Pacific Northwest. Ed. Philip J
Thomas. Music Transcription and Notation by Shirley A. Cox.
Saanichton, B.C.: Hancock House Pub (1979.) p.36-38.
Originally printed in Harper's New Monthly Magazine, Dec.