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About "The Cariboo Gold Rush" web site"The Cariboo Gold Rush"is one of the many BC Heritage web sites made available through Industry Canada's Digital Collections Program.The purpose of "The Cariboo Gold Rush" is to make accessible British Columbia's historical documents, images, and other multimedia information in a format designed for school-age children. "The Cariboo Gold Rush" web site provides information previously only available to the public at art galleries, archives and museums. "The Cariboo Gold Rush" web site follows the BC Ministry of Education curriculum to supplement and facilitate learning in the classroom. This web site is meant to provide easier accessibility to primary and secondary source material, while illustrating text with images. This web site is THE ONLY comprehensive on-line web site about "The Cariboo Gold Rush". This web site, "The Cariboo Gold Rush" is a multi-phase project that has seen many additions and revisions. Cariboo Phase 1:Originally called "The Cariboo Wagon Road - The Gold Rush Trail". The focus of this phase began with the development of the following sections: Virtual Tour of the Roadhouses, Proprietors of the Roadhouses, District Lots and Pre-emption surveys, building of the Cariboo Wagon Road, and Transportation along the Cariboo Wagon Road and a Teacher's Corner. Cariboo Phase 2:Phase II gave way to the vision of "The Cariboo Wagon Road". This phase obtained a whole new look and feel to the web site, and the title was changed to, "The Cariboo Gold Rush". As this phase developed, the publication of more BC Archival photographs, primary and secondary source material, inventory, field research, the addition of 10 new sections, historical figures, animated caricatures of the Cariboo Wagon Road and four interactive games were added. Research and educational work combined the information that was created, and "The Cariboo Gold Rush" web site was inter-linked with the "Gold Rush Town of Yale" web site (another BC Heritage site). Cariboo Phase 3:Phase III saw the creation of a Quick Time clip of two gold miners panning for gold (courtesy of Pan Video Productions), staged in the Royal British Columbia Museum. A French Introduction section was added, as were the following others: Barkerville, Arts and Culture, Site Map, Guestbook, Map Index, Historical Map, a map index and much more! We hope you enjoy "The Cariboo Gold Rush" web site.